What is violence against women & girls?
The term ‘violence against women and girls’ refers to acts of violence or abuse that disproportionately affect women and girls.
Crimes and behaviour covered by this term include rape and other sexual offences, domestic abuse, stalking, forced marriage, honour-based abuse, female genital mutilation (FGM), as well as many others, including offences committed online.
We talk about VAWG being abuse towards women and girls, because we know these behaviours disproportionately affect them, but the above forms of harm can happen to all victims, including boys and men.
Help, support and reporting
Enough Campaign
National UK Government campaign containing advice, support and links to reporting
Visit https://enough.campaign.gov.uk/
No Excuse For Abuse
Regional campaign from the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner
Visit https://www.westmidlands-pcc.gov.uk/no-excuse-for-abuse/
West Midlands Police
Visit https://www.west-midlands.police.uk/
Call police non-emergency number 101 (In an emergency only call 999)
Accessibility text phone 18001 101 (In an emergency 18001)
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