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 What is mate crime?  

'There is no statutory definition of mate crime in UK law. The term is generally understood to refer to the befriending of people, who are perceived by perpetrators to be vulnerable, for the purposes of taking advantage of, exploiting and/ or abusing them. This can strongly but not exclusively associated, with people with a learning disability, learning difficulties or mental health conditions.'



 Help, support & reporting  

West Midlands Police

Call police non-emergency number 101 - in an emergency call 999


Accessibility text phone 18001 101 (In an emergency 18001)


EMERGENCY SMS Service for deaf, hard of hearing and speech impaired people
In an emergency you can use your phone to contact the emergency services by texting 999.

You MUST register your mobile phone number before using this service. Just send the word ‘Register’ in a text message to the number 999 and follow the simple instructions you receive back.

Dudley Safeguarding
Safeguarding is about protecting children, young people and adults at risk from abuse or neglect. If you are worried or scared about the way you or someone you know is being treated, don't bottle it up, tell someone you trust.




Useful documents & links 

Vlogger Recording Video
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