What is bullying?
The Anti-Bullying Alliance defines bullying as 'the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online.'
Children & young people
If you are a child or young person being bullied, keep as much evidence as possible and tell an adult you trust. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to an adult, contact Childline using the details below:
Childline call 0800 11 11
Is your child being bullied?
At school
In the first instance you should speak to the school about the situation. If you are not happy with the way the school has dealt with the situation you need to follow the school/academy complaints procedure. Each educational establishment will have this available on their website.
Out of school
If the bullying is between pupils at the same school it is worth contacting the school to see if they can support in anyway.
Keep any evidence you can of the incidents and if you feel there has been an ongoing course of harassment or criminal offences have been committed, then contact West Midlands Police. You can do this by visiting WMPolice Online.
In an emergency, call 999
Are you being bullied at work?
At work
Speak to your line manager. If you cannot speak to your line manager, speak to HR for advice. You can also talk to your trade union representative. If these options don’t work, you can make a formal complaint using the company’s grievance procedure. If this is unsuccessful and the situation continues you can take legal action at an employment tribunal. For further advice on bullying in the workplace visit the below websites:
Out of work
Keep any evidence you can of the incidents, and if you feel there has been an ongoing course of harassment or criminal offences have been committed, then contact your local neighbourhood policing team. You can do this by visiting West Midlands Police.
For emergency, call 999
Useful documents & links