People in Dudley borough are being reminded to look out for the warning signs of modern slavery this Anti-Slavery Day.
As part of the national day, which takes place today (18 October), safe & sound, Dudley’s Community Safety partnership, is raising awareness of what modern slavery is.

Anyone can be a victim regardless of gender, age or nationality so it’s important people know how to spot the signs which include living or sleeping in a place of work and having no control over their own finances.Other signs may include signs of fear of police or authority figures, somebody controlling their movements and limited social contact.
People can find out more about modern slavery and human trafficking, by visiting
Councillor Laura Taylor, cabinet member for housing, communities and residents’ welfare, said:
“Modern slavery is a horrendous crime which sees people illegally exploited for personal or commercial gain.
“It could be happening right under our noses, particularly in places such as nail salons, restaurants or take-aways and car washes.
“I’d encourage anyone who suspects someone may be a victim of modern slavery to report it straight away.”
People can report any suspicions of modern slavery, by calling the modern slavery helpline on 08000 121 700 or by contacting West Midlands Police Always call 999 in an emergency.